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Hi there

31 years old female gamer that happens to be a college student, part-time streamer and all around weirdo (100% not ashamed).  Also, I'm Scottish (so 100% perfect too).


I started streaming on Twitch back in February 2019 because it's been a long time dream of mine to play games online and meet other people that love the same games as me (and maybe even find some new favourites to share with everyone).


For the longest time I was told that I had to forget this dream and focus on getting a realistic job as I was never going to get through life any other way.  This was my life from 18 until 29 and it wasn't very pretty.  I was so depressed and wanted to give up on life (even got diagnosed as depressed with social anxiety) and wanted so badly to change my life.  That was when I decided to give Twitch a go.


I will never look back on my decision to start my life on Twitch as I've never felt so happy with my life and I'm even studying at college to get my HNC Admin and IT, so my life can only get better from here on in.

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